From Hospitality to Marketing: Stephanie's Inspiring Journey

October 27, 2023

Not everyone sees University as the next step to get to their desired career, and in today’s society, is University really the way forward, or have we become accustomed to believing it is the right next step?

Stephanie photoStephanie had been working in the hospitality industry for six years and decided she wanted more out of her desired career. From working her way up the ranks, from floor staff to cocktail bartender, and then front-of-house supervisor, she was introduced to the world of marketing by picking up new skills during her free time.

“I didn't go to university as I decided it wasn't going to be a good fit for me, so I have focused my working career on trying to pick up as many skills as possible in whatever job I have been in.”

Whilst Stephanie was on the hunt for a new industry and job which she was willing to make a career out of, she came across a TikTok advert promoting Skills Bootcamps. A mixture of this and the marketing experience she gained from a previous role led her to apply to our Digital Marketing course. Fast forward 12 weeks, and this decision would see her successfully complete the course with refined and developed in-demand skills and a secured marketing role.

“I had dabbled with marketing in a previous job, and I found it suited my strengths a lot more than what I had been previously doing in hospitality.

I saw a TikTok ad for the Skills Bootcamps and figured if I took one last Hospitality job, which would give me the flexibility to work around my studies, then I could make it work and develop myself towards the path I wanted for myself. I also had nothing to lose by going on the course, so it seemed like a no-brainer.”

During her time on our course, Stephanie also discovered she was unofficially Dyslexic, which meant coming to terms with some of the course content was difficult to comprehend at first. Between that and working alongside the Skills Bootcamp, Stephanie did have moments of uncertainty with continuing the course, however her trainer Zoe was always on hand to support.

“It was definitely intense, and balancing the demands of my work also became quite difficult, however, I did feel really supported by my tutor Zoe throughout all of these issues and that definitely made a huge difference.

My classes were amazing, and Zoe really did bring the course to life with her enthusiasm. I also liked the way in which the classes were structured, and I feel grateful to have had such great classmates who were also just as invested in the course as I was.”

After successfully completing the 12 weeks, Stephanie found that her once-considered “brief experience in marketing”, had transformed into an all-encompassing view of digital marketing, with a refined skill set which supported her in securing her first role as a Marketing Assistant which, alongside the company’s development scheme will promote to a marketing executive.

“Post-completion, I've had a lot of support from the employment team, which I'm very grateful for. I have been meeting with Adrian almost every week for a couple of months now, and we have looked at everything from my CV to helping me write cover letters to finding jobs that fit me, my style and my skills all the way up to mock interviews that helped me secure the job I now have.”

Stephanie’s story is just one example of how you can secure that first step to your desired career without going to university. As a quicker, more cost-effective alternative with the ability to complete the course remotely, could Skills Bootcamps be the future?

For more information on our current Skills Bootcamps, visit our Skills Bootcamp page.

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