Tender Information

Start date: 12 February 2024. 

We Are Group is looking for a contractor(s)/supplier(s) to carry out additional development and customisation of our Salesforce Service Cloud Org. We are tendering for quotes for the completion of the following: 

 Project Scope: 

  1. Triage Standardisation: Rationalise the existing triage processes across diverse service streams, augmenting operational efficiency and efficacy and enabling We Are Group to cross triage users for different services.  
  1. Self-Referral Mechanisms: Facilitate self-referral pathways for local centres, trainers, volunteers, and beneficiaries, fostering equitable access and engagement and expanding our Partner Portal. 

 We expect to commence this project as soon as possible with completion by March 2024 at the latest. Payments will be made in one payment for this whole phase of the project as completed as above. We will assess each bid for the tender in the following way: 

  • Price (40%) 
  • Timescales (40%) 
  • Experience/track record (20%)

If you are interested in tendering for this opportunity and would like to know more, please contact the team on getgoing@wearegroup.com or give us a call on 03333 444 019.

This tender will be advertised for the next 5 working days, and the closing date is 16 February 2024 at 11:59pm.

This project is subject to a grant award for part-funding by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

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