The Benefits of Assisted Digital in Social Housing: Cost Savings, Improved Efficiency, and Increased Satisfaction

October 27, 2023

As businesses and government departments are embracing digital transformation, the importance of supporting end-users during the transition from paper to online forms has become a pressing concern.

More than 10 million individuals in the UK, roughly equivalent to 1 in 6 people, currently lack the foundational digital skills needed to navigate the internet, or even turn on a device (Lloyds Banking Group UK Consumer Digital Index 2022). This worrying statistic reveals an urgent need for digital assistance to support people in their transition to digital services.

Providing a solution to this issue, We Are Group has adopted Assisted Digital, a proactive approach, coined by Government Digital Service (operating within the Cabinet Office), that aims to get people online and thereby gain the benefits of being online.

Our Assisted Digital service is designed to provide support to the digitally excluded. Via a multi-channel support system, we help people with both online and offline form filling.

We have already established partnerships with corporate clients, government departments including the Home Office, and local authorities, and our Assisted Digital form filling service has allowed hundreds of end-users to receive the assistance they need to complete and submit online forms.

One of the key features of our service is the flexibility it offers to end-users. They have the option to receive the Assisted Digital form filling service either remotely or face-to-face, ensuring that they are met promptly at the point of need and supported in their preferred method. This flexibility recognises that different people may have varying comfort levels when it comes to using technology, and enables a smoother transition into using online forms.

To deliver our Assisted Digital service, we have expertly trained assistants who are able to understand and address the specific requests of end-users. These assistants have the necessary knowledge and skills to guide people through the process of filling out online forms, ensuring they understand what’s needed and are able to successfully complete the necessary steps.

In the context of social housing, the Assisted Digital service can have significant benefits. By providing support to tenants in filling out online forms, social housing companies can:

  • Improve their efficiency as the process becomes streamlined and less prone to errors.
  • Reduce costs as the need for manual processing of paper forms diminishes.
  • Increase tenant satisfaction as the Assisted Digital service helps to bridge the gap between technology and people who may struggle to navigate the online world.
  • Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility by offering targeted digital support, therefore addressing digital exclusion issues and promoting increased connection and participation in an increasingly digital world.

By providing online and offline form filling support, flexibility in delivery, and expert assistants trained to understand and address end-users' needs, our Assisted Digital service helps the clients we partner with to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase end-user satisfaction.

If your business or organisation could benefit from our tailored Assisted Digital services, please contact us here.

We Are Group